Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Harvesting Beans
We made grilled pizzas, grilled skirt steak, grilled chicken, salad, and blueberry pie. This is what happens when Victoria comes over.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Berries and Broccoli
Recap: A year ago, Nick the Farmer passed over a shoddy twig and told us to stick it in the ground by our fence. That twig sprouted some leaves and grew 8 feet in every direction and produced some kind of mystery berry. This year that twig now spans half the length of our fence and has berries everywhere. We hope to finally resolve what kind of berries they are. Jams and pies galore. Also on the watchlist is our broccoli. This particular one is the first to sprout. On one hand we're happy it worked where we planted it (a little shady). On the other, it's pretty goofy looking and we've got our fingers crossed that the others will be nicer. Maybe there was some pruning we needed to be doing?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Brooklyn Farm opens a plant stand
Brooklyn Farm set up a plant stand at the Carroll Gardens Flea Market this past Saturday. It was a lot of fun talking to other plant enthusiasts.